Black Girl Interrupted

Laid back, down to earth, & quirky, but also a little bit of a diva...yeah that's me. An oxymoron right? I'm a gumbo of thangs. I refuse to be pigeonholed into any categories! I'm a native Southern Californian living life in the City of Angels. I'm one of the very few Angelenos who is not into the whole Hollywood thing, but I'm still an LA chick through and through. I'm one of those people who lives in her own world. I don't do everything, I just do me.

Friday, October 06, 2006

My Week=Interesting If Nothing Else

This week has been interesting, to say the least. I've taken on new responsibilites at work, which is fantastic and overwhelming at the same time. But that's what I wanted right? I wanted something challenging and fulfilling. It just seems like I hit the ground running and I haven't looked back.

This week we got a new copier at work. It scans, makes color copies, we can print to it; its fantastic! Who gives a shit, right? Haha, I promise this leads somewhere. The tech that installed our copier was foine. Yes, foine. 5'11", lean and muscular, bald and chocolate. When he came in the office me and C (the only other black chick in my office) were both like DAMN! He was just sexy. And he can fix stuff, which ups the sexy factor (good with his hands..hello!) So while hot copier guy was in our office installing the new machine, I was peeping him. I didn't approach him though, because we were both working and it just didn't seem appropriate. Plus I just usually don't approach men. I'm not that brazen. I'm usually the one being pursued. So, when I noticed that it seemed like he was almost done with the job, I conveniently decided to go outside and take a break to use the phone. Sure enough, a couple minutes after I took my break he came outside. Before leaving, he approached me and we exchanged numbers.

Sounds good doesn't it? Au contraire. I wouldn't be telling this story unless there was a wacky side to it, lol. Hot copier guy has since called, and we've had a few conversations. He seems nice enough, but I get really strange vibes from him. First, he calls too much. The other day he called me FOUR times and left two messages within a two hour time span. No matter how good someone looks, being a bugaboo is not an attractive quality.

Next, dude revealed that he has a female roomate. What the fuck is that? I'm sure it's possible for a straight man to have a platonic female roomie...if she looks like Nell Carter. If she's fuckable I'm sure he's fucking her.

Last but not least, dude came up to my job unrequested and unannounced. After he did the installation and another tech came to do the programming, the job was done. But he came back up to the office to "see if everything was working properly." Wasn't that what you were doing when you installed it? Another tech already came to program and check the functionality of the machine. Why did you go out of your way to come back up here, unannounced, just to check on the machine? Maybe I'm bugging, but that made me a little nervous. Call me crazy, but I don't think he came back up to my job just to check on the machine.

Dude gives me the heebie jeebies. He's sexy as hell, but he seems to have stalker tendencies. What a sucky combination!


At 10:19 PM, Blogger Mahogany Misfit said...

Girl his ass did not come back to check on that machine! Hahahaha!

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Black Girl Interrupted said...

@ mistress-Yes he did! I was FLOORED!

At 12:41 AM, Blogger BeautyinBaltimore said...

I dealing with a guy who likes to call me mulitple times in a day. Like you said a bugaboo is not a good quality. Well at least your bugaboo is nice looking.

At 4:44 AM, Blogger Blu Jewel said...

Be easy with this one, he sounds like he could be more than you want in your life right now.

At 8:13 AM, Blogger Black Girl Interrupted said...

@ beauty-It's one thing to call a few times a day, but FOUR times within a couple of hours is overkill. He is annoying, but he is fine though ;-).

@ blujewel-I definitely have my eyes open with this one.

At 6:06 PM, Blogger Black Girl Interrupted said...

@ brilld-I tried to break it to him gently, but he didn't catch the hint. I'm just going to back away slowly and hope he doesn't notice.

At 11:20 PM, Blogger BeautyinBaltimore said...

post please.


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