Black Girl Interrupted

Laid back, down to earth, & quirky, but also a little bit of a diva...yeah that's me. An oxymoron right? I'm a gumbo of thangs. I refuse to be pigeonholed into any categories! I'm a native Southern Californian living life in the City of Angels. I'm one of the very few Angelenos who is not into the whole Hollywood thing, but I'm still an LA chick through and through. I'm one of those people who lives in her own world. I don't do everything, I just do me.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

What's Your Vice?

Everyone has some sort of addiction. For some its gambling, for others it may be alcohol, marijuana, or narcotics. I'm cool on the contraband for the most part aside from hitting a joint occassionally if someone passes it to me (I mean, it IS rude to decline), so I replace those vices with shopping. I seriously believe I have a shopping addiction. I'm the kind of person who no matter where she goes, has to buy something. Even a routine run to the drugstore turns into an opportunity to purchase yet another powder pink nail color or yet another unnecessary hair product.

Case and point: Today I went to Target (Tarjay if you are buying clothing) simply to pick up shaving cream, Aleve, and gum. First off, I was set up for failure as soon as I walked in the store because the clothing department was the first section I saw. I figured I would go over and browse a little. Then I began to think, well, I did tell myself I was going this weekend to pick up a couple of items to wear to work, so why not see what they have here? The next thing I knew I had 5 shirts in my hand, Aleve, no gum or shaving cream, a DVD (Me, Myself, & was only $7.50!) and a CD holder. Wtf? I only left the store with one item that I originally went for.

I pretty much do this whenever I go shopping. I enjoy the act of browsing, picking through stuff, and piecing together clothes. I like buying pretty things that make me feel fabulous although most of the time I'm broke as a joke. My rationale is, hey, I'm broke, but I still need to look good! There is nothing worse than being broke and looking like shit. And on the real, I work hard for the little money I do make, so the least I can do is reward myself with something nice.


At 8:22 AM, Blogger Ms. Confessions said...

Target is my weakness for sure. I swear every time I go in there for ONE thing, I always leave with more. The last time I went I didn’t even get a shopping cart (I figured didn’t want to get sucked in). By the time I got to the check out line my arms were full of s***. Damn shame!!!LOL

Shopping is truly an emotional thing. It helps us feel good to go out and shop regardless of our financial conditions. It’s definitely one of my vices and so is the green…LOL
But hey, no one is perfect…

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Blu Jewel said...

Your trip to Target (Tarjay) sounds like my trips to said store and my trips to WalMart. Go in for one damn thing and come out with half the store.

At 6:18 PM, Blogger Black Girl Interrupted said...

@ Woman: I didn't have a shopping cart either! I had one of those little handheld ones and I had that joint stuffed with clothes. Shopping is definitely an emotional thing, and hey, its healthy to have vices!

@ BluJewel: Thanks for commenting! Imma check you out. I'm set up for failure every time I walk in that piece. I'm always prepared to spend at least $100 every time I go.

At 11:00 PM, Blogger Black Girl Interrupted said...

@ brilld: You know you ain't right ;-).


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