Black Girl Interrupted

Laid back, down to earth, & quirky, but also a little bit of a diva...yeah that's me. An oxymoron right? I'm a gumbo of thangs. I refuse to be pigeonholed into any categories! I'm a native Southern Californian living life in the City of Angels. I'm one of the very few Angelenos who is not into the whole Hollywood thing, but I'm still an LA chick through and through. I'm one of those people who lives in her own world. I don't do everything, I just do me.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Aw Hell Naw

Yesterday, I was feeling all conflicted about leaving my job. I do not feel that way anymore. If I needed another reason to leave that hell hole, I was provided with another one today.

Let me give a little background to the situation. Our firm is working on a huge case that is at trial right now in Orange County. The trial is expected to last for the next 6-8 weeks. Several attorneys, paralegals, and secretaries are staying at a hotel in OC to be near the court, because it wouldn't be feasible to travel from Century City to Santa Ana everyday for the next 2 months. They set up a satellite office at the hotel and everything. So apparently, today the big guy (numero uno partner of the entire firm) called the office and said they needed some chairs for the satellite office, for whatever reason. I suppose the ones at the hotel aren't good enough and they had to take some from our office. So the elitist office manager gathers chairs from various areas around the office. By the way, we have pretty good chairs there. They are the hydraulic office chairs with adjustable armrests. Tight.

Anyway, she's getting all these chairs together. Yeah, ok. Thats cool, whatever. Until the bitch had the audacity to ask me can she have my chair because the big guy wanted it! I was like, "He wants my chair? I'm sitting in it." She's like, "Yeah, he wants it, so we're having it taken over." Let me give a little more background. In that office, there is a clear hierarchy. The attorneys and partners get whatever they want every single time. She expects us to wait on them hand and foot and cater to whatever needs or requests they have. We are also expected to kiss their asses. To sum it up, office staff= peons.

So, I was like whatever okay, here you go. I give up my chair, and she asks me to use the one near the typewriter. That chair is old ass hell. Its been near that typewriter for the past 20 years. It has ugly ass upholstery and it feels like carpet. This whole thing would not have been an issue but for the fact that the big guy has his own office within the LA office. Right now, a summer associate is using his office. He just got here on Monday. So basically, the summer associate, who was out to lunch and thus not using his chair at the time, gets to keep the big guy's chair but I, the lowly admin, have to give my shit up. The bitch's excuse was, "I can't take his (the summer associate) chair because he is using it." Hellloooo! I'm sitting in my shit and I get uprooted? What the fuck? He ain't gon even be here after mid-August, and he gets to keep his chair, but I'm a permanent employee (who is probably going to be gone before then, but I digress) and you boot me out of my shit, and I have to take the raggedy-ass 1985 chair? Damn.

My anger toward this incident may seem unwarranted or petty. But to me, this signifies much more than taking my chair and giving to someone else. It is indicative of a much larger issue. My office manager takes calculated steps to ensure that there is a class division in our office. And I feel like it makes for an unproductive work environment. Who wants to work at a place where they are treated like a second class citizen?

Reason # 37 why I'm raising up out of that piece.


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