Black Girl Interrupted

Laid back, down to earth, & quirky, but also a little bit of a diva...yeah that's me. An oxymoron right? I'm a gumbo of thangs. I refuse to be pigeonholed into any categories! I'm a native Southern Californian living life in the City of Angels. I'm one of the very few Angelenos who is not into the whole Hollywood thing, but I'm still an LA chick through and through. I'm one of those people who lives in her own world. I don't do everything, I just do me.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


After being on the new job for about a week and a half, I decided I like it. I'm learning a lot about marketing, my new supervisor seems to really want to help me succeed, and people give me enough space to do my thing. Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely cannot stand when people are breathing down my back about something or otherwise invading my bubble for no apparent reason.

Although the new gig all good, the Virgo in me has already found like ten things to complain about already. First, I don't like the fact that my cubicle is located near a main walkway, there is a lot of human traffic near my workspace. Luckily the office is about 20 people, so its not heavy traffic. But still. I can't surf the internet in peace without people walking by and being able to see what's on my screen. Its going to be hard to check out some of my favorite blogs while I'm supposed to be working. I also have a problem with the fact that some people in the office are condescending toward the receptionist. Myself and the receptionist are the only black people in the office, and I can relate to her job because I did it for several years. She is one of those people who is really nice and easygoing (much like part of my personality) and I can see that certain people take her kindness for a weakness. At first I thought she was being treated a certain way because she was a sista, but it dawned on me that that couldn't be because those same people don't come at me like that. My demeanor is such that I will be cool with someone if they are cool with me, but I don't take any disrespect from anyone and when they cross the line I let them know in a firm, yet polite and tactful manner. So needless to say, they don't fuck with me too much.

The things I dislike about the job are superseded by many great benefits. *Note: I'm about to brag right now.* I get off at 2 on Fridays during the summer, I get my birthday off, free lunch EVERY day (holla!) medical, dental, 401k, life, disability, and free bagels and Starbucks coffee every morning. Life is good.


At 7:40 AM, Blogger Ms. Confessions said...

I also have a problem with the fact that some people in the office are condescending toward the receptionist. Myself and the receptionist are the only black people in the office, and I can relate to her job because I did it for several years.

I’ve been in that role (receptionist) before as well. And yes, people assume s** about you. They assume you’re not educated and have no brain cells. I’m still the only black professional working for my company full of Texas rednecks.

The perks you have are very good. It keeps the workers’ morale up. A lot of companies don’t understand that. Good luck on your new gig!!! May it lead to endless opportunities...

At 7:04 PM, Blogger Black Girl Interrupted said...

@ Woman: Thanks for the well wishes! I feel really good about this opportunity and I can already see that it will lead to even better ones.


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