Black Girl Interrupted

Laid back, down to earth, & quirky, but also a little bit of a diva...yeah that's me. An oxymoron right? I'm a gumbo of thangs. I refuse to be pigeonholed into any categories! I'm a native Southern Californian living life in the City of Angels. I'm one of the very few Angelenos who is not into the whole Hollywood thing, but I'm still an LA chick through and through. I'm one of those people who lives in her own world. I don't do everything, I just do me.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

crazy ish, son

This has been the craziest week of my life. Let me tell you why.

Monday, I was laid off from the job I hate. Can I testify? Thank you Jesus! I couldn't stand that damn place; laying me off was the best thing they could have done for me. That place was sucking me dry and stifling my creativity. Can't nobody tell me that prayer doesn't change things because I was surely praying to get out of that piece. The best part about it is that I was laid off with three months' severance pay. What!

Tomorrow the pseudo and I are going to Miami on vacation. On Memorial Day weekend nonetheless. It's going to be pure niggery and debauchery, I'm so excited! (That was sarcasm in case you didn't catch it.) But seriously, I'm very excited to get away and spend some quality time with him. He's been on the road and working a lot so I'm happy that we will have a couple of days to reconnect. Viva la pseudo! He's so gonna get it when we get down there. :-D

I feel like the happiest person with no job. I have free time to rest, reflect, and map out my next move. I get to make it on time for happy hour and kick it during the week. Sidebar: It sucks that the best parties are on weekdays. When I was working I would party during the week on special occasions like award show after parties and the like, but mostly it was only happy hour during the week and partying on weekends. My fabulous gay boyfriend told me, "I only go out during the week; only working class people go out on weekends." He's so Hollywood. Whatever bitch, I'm one of those working class folks. Everyone can't be a kept woman/man. Bitch.

I will be hamming it up, but don't get it twisted. I'm actively seeking employment; I'm not trying to post up on mama's couch collecting unemployment. I feel blessed that I have something to tide me until I find another job. And I've been getting a lot callbacks from employers; I have a few interviews set up for next week. Hopefully my next job will come sooner rather than later.

So, that will be my life until I find another job: partying, job search, interviewing, chillin! Not necessarily in that order, but maybe.

Thanks for reading, my people. I must go, I need to pack and practice my beach poses. Miami baby!




At 11:44 AM, Blogger Southern_Lady said...

Have fun, girl! Congrats on the severance...I have a friend who prays for that! And yes, God is too good.

At 11:45 AM, Blogger Southern_Lady said...

Have fun, girl! Congrats on the severance...I have a friend who prays for that! And yes, God is too good.

At 11:57 AM, Blogger Black Girl Interrupted said...

@ southern lady - thanks girl! tell your friend to keep praying for that. god will answer.

At 8:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

God is SOO SOO SOO good! I'm happy for ya!

Now you can take this time to find something you truly love! :-)What a blessing!!

Hope, no I KNOW you had a blast in Miami!

Follow up with a blog homey!


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